Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Finally, we got to find the old barn!

By Kallan Ritzman
The KenJens were here, so finally Kaia, Rachel, and I got to go look for the barn. They were almost about to just walk into a property fence and not find the old barn. I remembered finding the start of a trail last time I looked. That time we couldn't get through the thorns and we had Josie. This time we became bush wackers and wacked thorns that were in the way with a stick and got through.

There was a fork in the road and at first we went the wrong way,the place  we went to had boxes for bees. Fortunatly no bee approached us. Then up a little hill was a gate to the road. After going there we realized that we should go back and choose another way because Abba did not lead us here. Along the other trail we found it.THE OLD BARN!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We came back to tell Andria, Lena and my dad what we found. They came after we cut a little bit of the thorns so that they could get through. We then proceeded to complete a legitimate trail in the midst of the thorns. Matt even got Josie through! Yay! Mission complete!

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