Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Family History - Initial Post

I've made an executive decision to expand the topics covered by this blog.  The Ranch has always been a  gathering place for the Johnson family, but it isn't what truly connects us all.  The thing that really keeps us together is our genealogy and shared memories.

Julie and I inherited the boxes of Family History from Dick, who inherited much of it from LaVon. Since then I've felt a strong desire to make that history available to all family members.  This is your history at least as much as it is mine, and as time marches forward, we risk losing the most direct connection we have to the memories contained in our albums.

I have started digitizing the photos and slides that I have, and I will make them available through this blog, the J.Ed Johnson Family Google Group (https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/jed-johnson-family), Google Photos, and Family Search (www.familysearch.org).  I may use other methods of sharing as I become aware of them, and I hope to add journal entries and other artifacts as I go through them.

I would like your help in a number of ways:
  • Please enjoy the photos, and add any information you have about them.
  • Please let me know if you see photos or artifacts that have special meaning to you.  
    • I am happy to give away the original copies of these photos to family members who care.
  • Please add to this project as you feel inspired to.  
    • I would love to grant permissions to anybody to add blog posts or access photos.
I hope to do my part to honor our ancestors and pass along the memories and stories that makes the Johnson Family so special.

1 comment:

  1. Matt, I can't thank you enough for taking the time to share. This is fabulous!
